What Goes On
What Goes On: The Beatles Anomalies List


"What Goes On" would not have been possible without the contributions, criticisms, corrections and greatly appreciated help of :-

Matthew Rupert, "Bill W" at Pittsburgh, Michael Bain, Laurent Cerveau, Gene Schroeder, Robert Berry, Joseph S. Dalfonso, David Gulczynski, Jay Smith, Greg O'Rear, Doug Campbell, "LittleAbby" Dees, Frank Daniels, Steve Barclay, Preston Landers, Michael Patrick, Michael Lane, Andrew Walker, Joe Pisano, Lee Kirk Hawley, Kai Lukoschek, Jim Vegeais, Larry Micohn, Jay Kuhn, Benjamin Lukoff, Timothy Jehl, Edward Michalak, Benjamin Chapman, Tim McCormick, Justin Kelley, Daniel Caccavo, Josh Dalcher, "ScullyDana", Jeff Coleman, David Sheatsley, Ken Davis, David Coyle, Greg Thompson, "MesrsKandH", Melanie Thomasson, Heather Johnson, Glen Heffner, "Empress82", Ken Goldwasser, Pierre Bouchard, Mean Mr Mustard, J D Mack, John Franklin, Peter J Stein, Lyman Golden, Robert Withstandley, Mandy Moss, Derepentigny Yves, Jamie (Zariouh@worldaccess), Paul Kelsey Wheeler, Neal K, Gabe (gpp@lclark_edu), Stephen Moss, Iain A. Dmitrienko, David William Knauff, Mike W Borman, Missy Jurick, Fr. H. Titus Fulcher, Tom Giacomelli, John Sinclair, Dan Sale, Shaun Furlong, Giorgio Tona, "Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath", Mike Henderson, Doug McQuirter, Tim Jackson, Mike Dickson, lennon9@earthlink, Grzegorz Radomski, Cassie Shannahan, D.B. Seville, Mirjam Gniste, Stefan Krieger, Jud McCranie, Mark and Anna Schumann, Ivar S. Solfjell, Alderon3@aol, Vince Laine, Craig Munro, Bjorn Blomquist, Katie, Walrus946@aol, SmilyPyth (Leah), Brian Chase, Joe Silver, Jim Schwan, Matt Holland, Dennis Reidy, Joe Adamo, Rob (Majic12), Youngboy@aol, BatMelissa@aol, Brian McMurtry, Bala Kumar, Mike & Jerry Sherk, Darcy Gibson, CaterinaF@aol, Paul Hodges, Josh Cippel, Zach Miller, Kent Rodway, EllTabes@aol, Tim Rice-Oxley, Kevin Rains, Alex Bassett, Buda Istvan, Vincent Dubrall, Beatle314@aol, Jenny (Setsuna6@aol), Han Gaozu, Eggman367@aol, Elizabeth B Palazzolo, Daytripper@juno, Wolfgang Schneider, Jubilee137@aol, Roger Henderson, "Swamp", Chad Hubble, Mike Frenchek, Mike Schmidt, Tim Scott, Nick Mokey, Justin Reinstein, Robert McFarland, Beanie24@aol, Matt Kupferman, Dave Prokopy, Bruce Benham, Michael J, William J Spiropoulos, Dave Gash, Rick Benson, Tom & Lisa Vitucci, Dom Bagnato, Kendall Hill, Alex J Newsom, Alfred T Koos, HoosierJB@aol, Juan Pablo Donoso, Marty Blaise, GusMach@aol, Sebastian Siadecki, Fiffiol1@aol, VeechM@aol, Beatles19@aol, Biffy the Elephant Shrew, Paul Koepp, Walter F Cox, Amanda Beoletto, Security/SLSA, Bill Anderson, SCthepygmy@aol, Karen Morton, SALVAGNE@aol, Ernesto Juan Castellanos, Max Mismetti, Claude Bouchard, Lennon72@aol, grandiman@msn, rubbersoul_12@hotmail, MickyG98@aol, Ugo Coppola, Brandt Heisner, MXX5170404@aol, Graeme Jamieson, Brian9091@aol, Matthew G Page, Alan LaFleur, koala@mindless, PLDennison@aol, W Campbell, Chip.Talton@gsc.gte_com, Jose Luis, Kirill Yegorov, Graham Harradine, Jeffrey Aarons, Almanuel61@aol, asw@image_dk, mattw@gis_net, Drew H @ Freeserve, Jeremy Deubler, Mitch Mitchell, SlvrHmr@aol, John Paul McVea, fendermn69@aol, Erek Barsczewski, R.A.Dare@qmw.acuk, David Polo, Vince Capka, Glenn Koury, Guy Bonneville, Kirk Dusenberry, Ricky Miranda, Jennifer (Jaime Ringo), mrkite6777@aol, iaind@muskie.uwaterloo_ca, na@accsoft.com_au, DotSeurat1@aol, eestewa@regence_com, CoreyTan@aol, Paul Snelling, James Harradine, Rick Lindholtz, Laura O'Toole, 4wb1jacksont, gort@callnetuk_com, KCONNORS12@aol, Mangan329@aol, abutler33@hotmail, Dave Kessler, fokker@flash_net, Alex (uncleal@longisland_com), Sam Laur, Scott Wickman, Paul Johnstone, Aaron Cooper, Tony Cox, Bo Sybrandt Hansen, Zemen@freemail_hu, JWB (mudshark@intergrafix_net), Andrew Lubman, Bill Slocum, Jeffrey Jacobs, Mason Butler, Norm Dyer, Martin Agren, Johnathan Howard, Alejandro Mina, Jacek Dziedzic, weisser@axs4u_net, Absalon111@aol, Joe Zugelder, Miguel Canel, skoumalo@post_cz, ajrox@aol, Simon Broadhead, Alex Northrup, Johan Bjerkeheim, beatal@slip_net, Alejandro García Reidy, Eric Stewart, Nicola Marasciulo, SynovitzR@rferl_org, Jim Neher, Knethen22@aol, PysKryst@aol, matches@stratos_net, Kinoian@aol, gy@gymusic_com, Jason92078@aol, Tom "No Bozos" Welch, Brett Ryan Edgar, Patrick Jackson, Kevin Kim, David Vegafria, Robert McKean, Cooper Starr, Randy Pettit, mccartney@sms_at, EddieG@cableinet.co_uk, Elliott Christ, CindyGuy@msn (Shane Guy), "Bevern"@leksand.se, Marc van Wassenhoven, Batarde@aol, V. Lichere, Wantillie@aol.com, Ian "Hammo" Hammond, "SandyStu"@bellsouth.net, Phil O'Keefe, William Newman, Victor Munoz, "DefeatGravity"@cs.com, Gerry Williamson, Lee Abrahams, JDLaks@aol.com, Kid Rock@aol.com, Justin Vincent, Nick Pavio, Phil Goetz, "BCHAMPP"@aol.com, Al Gardner, Timothy Malcolm, Robert K S, Joseph DiGiovanni, Thomas Schmidt K&K, Mark Harris, Dan Hicks, "AJKocan"@aol.com, Ashley Pomeroy, wa3dhb@bellatlantic, Hippie2768@aol.com, Pitch Audio, Tom Ransom, Prezelski@aol.com, Andre Gardner, Andy Cox, HeyJude689@aol.com, Frederick Maskell, Zoltan Vrana, Hana Reynolds, MDK122@aol.com, DaBiKaBoY@aol.com, David Goessling, Stephen Kelly, Ross Scarborough, Lars Arvid Kollstrom, Dan Buchanan, Robert+Levin, Rob Docherty, Niels de Wit, T McKelvie, Mike Tedford, "Monty Python Rules"@cox.net, LisaPlaya5@aol.com, Dominic Doiron, Roland Porth, Gary Lee, Chris Berry, Brian Horwitz, Daniel Rosenberg, Brit Invasion '64, Jessie Hughes, Robby Peters, Claude Flowers, Ben Loveridge, Chris Richards, Pablo Castro, Jacob Yunis, Tom1W@aol.com, Ronald A Westgate III, Jim Mills, Mathieu Houle, Laptop Jake 2000@aol.com, NYRkickAZZ1@aol.com, Kevin Johnson, Brian Yurgil, Charles Mitchell, David "Red And Blue Vinyl", Bob Clements, James Davies, David Meinzer, Chris Chardi, Michael K., James Raiford, Jeff Siamas, Harfang@mindspring, Gonzalo Cortes, Jesse Deane-Freeman, Jan & Mark Staycer, Tyler Trezise, Mats Bjureblad, Paul S, Anthony, Chris Hegle, DarkEnglandOne@aol.com, Creep6971@aol.com, Martijn de Jong, Kevin Lockhart, ARP@slab.org, Josh S, Daniel Graversen, Flash@freepdx, Doug Waddington, Karen Tremble, Ed Straker, Tony Traguardo, Ewald Kegel, Ratko Santl, K Work, Dan Wielunski, Richard Bishop, Terry Flaherty, Yobromilk, Sharon Cobb, Jenni Carter, Marcuscp, Erich McMann, David Wormser, Simon Desai, Ian Lovell, David Lowry, Becky White, Jim Wagner, Martin Williams, Richard Porter, Jesse Smith, EgwEimi@aol.com, and David L Fairey.

I also have to thank a number of people who converted "What Goes On" versions 3.03 and earlier into HTML for their own web sites, this has brought a whole new audience to "What Goes On".

Thanks to Kirill Yegorov for inspiring me to go and transcribe the studio chatter from the Anthology discs, and Rafael Szot de Lima for providing the final audio clue to settle the "All You Need Is Love/She Loves You" debate.

Additionally, thanks to Craig Cross for convincing me to get it all updated and into print.

Special thanks must also go to Saki, Michael Weiss, Andy Van Pelt and Joe Brennan ... and four guys from Liverpool, who started it all!

What Goes On V3.09 © 2019-2024 Mike Brown. Visit the website at http://wgo.signal11.org.uk for the latest version and contact details.