What people have been saying about "What Goes On" ...THE WORD METICULOUS COMES TO MIND ... for the love of all things holy and sacred, this is something I would do if I were immortal and had the time. I applaud your ambition.
... that was the only strange thing I ever heard, until I saw your site. It's amazing. Thank you. I have, yet again, another whole outlook on those four guys.
I used to think I was a real Beatles fan, ... after working my way through ... I realise that I am a rank amateur. You guys are the real fans - as in fanatics. My hat and Beatles wig are off to you for the unbelievable amount of work - and, clearly, love - that has gone into your efforts.
(Jerry Sitser)
Your site is amazing. For a Beatles freak like me, this site is indispensable.
(Andre Gardner)
Well done! My wife has to drag me off the computer! I would like to congratulate you on the hard work and countless hours you have spent putting all this information together. Fantastic work!
Wow, that's a great site you've put together! Just been checking it out for the umpteenth time.
(Niels de Wit)
For a Beatles geek like me, it's very cool stuff.
(Nick Pavio)
What Goes On V3.09 © 2019-2024 Mike Brown. Visit the website at for the latest version and contact details.