What Goes On
What Goes On: The Beatles Anomalies List


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Hearing Aids To The Beatles Paperback
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In collaboration with Jeff Aarons (What Goes On contributor, guitarist, artist and illustrator), "Hearing Aids To The Beatles" is a study of the instruments, band roles, technical notes and more related to the songs of The Beatles. Available as 8.5"x 8.5" illustrated paperback and Kindle version too!

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Anywhere £1.50

With over 160 new contributors, and over 200 totally new entries, version 3.09 is also a major review and tidy up to the whole project. Aside from this website, it is also available as a PDF file (3.0 megabytes zipped). The PDF file is in 8x5 format. If your printer driver supports it, it can be printed 2-up on A4 in landscape mode. Or print it directly in portrait mode, with "Fit To Page" for larger print.

On receipt of confirmed payment, I will email you back with your link to download the PDF file. Please ensure your PayPal profile email settings point to a valid email address! Note that it is not an automated mail response, so don't expect an immediate reply with your download link.

Note: What Goes On is now no longer available in print, due to CafePress.com discontinuing their book print facilities. Thanks to all those that supported What Goes On and bought a copy over the years.

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What Goes On V3.09 © 2019-2024 Mike Brown. Visit the website at http://wgo.signal11.org.uk for the latest version and contact details.